As an employer appointing new staff can often be challenging and not without risk to the overall performance of your company. Manage the risk of your recruitment process with AJB Security Consulting`s “Select and Protect” solution. Minimising the chance of making a recruitment “mistake” is increasingly appealing in the current highly litigious business environment. Exiting a “mistake” from your business is time consuming, disruptive and potentially expensive.
All senior hires you make are important. This could be magnified if the potential incumbent will be handling sensitive information such as a Finance Director, or if they are to work closely with your intellectual capital, which could be an engineering or military design, a software app, a biotech breakthrough or even a consumer recipe.
Given the connected age in which we live and the rise of cyber disruption, and targeted commercial espionage, it has never been more important to ensure you have left no stone unturned when hiring key staff.
AJB’s “Select & Protect” solution helps you get it right first time.
We can provide the following modular solution depending on your own particular needs:
An interview conducted by one of our experienced HR practitioners in conjunction with a Home office approved interview resource. The report will provide an additional view on their suitability against the job profile and an insight into their character and communication skills when challenged more robustly.
Background checks and research to validate documented educational achievement, previous employment, claimed security clearances and other key CV data provided.
An open source digital investigation to trace all their internet hits, history and online connections.
Engage one of our occupational psychologists to provide a psychometric profile of your choosing; this could be a selection of tests we suggest, or one that would provide a relevant benchmarking to historic profiling done previously within your leadership team.
We can discuss the exact solution that best meets your needs; most of the above options are best administered to your shortlist of candidates, or perhaps to the final two profiles you are considering.
On a less positive note, some of our capability can be highly relevant if you are already in a legal dispute with an employee and looking to exit them from the business. AJB are well versed in providing robust documentary evidence in order to counter any employee claims against companies for unfair/constructive dismissal and industrial injury cases.
As a first step please call 01785 715424 / 07388 906812 or leave a confidential message on our website at www.ajbsecurityconsulting.co.uk