Organised crime is moving rapidly into the countryside where the criminals see easy pickings to be had and are well aware of decreasing police numbers and lack of funding. Large scale organised livestock theft is becoming more prevalent. The AJB team have recently and successfully captured evidence of livestock theft and associated equipment in Staffordshire, Nottinghamshire and Norfolk. We always provide the police with the full evidential package to prosecute the offenders.

Rural crime has grown from an occasional nuisance to a massive problem grinding businesses to a halt and costing the industry over £52 million in 2016. Insurance companies pay out more which therefore causes an inflation in premiums to the end user.

AJB Security offer a crime reduction package for the rural community which includes:

  • Farm or Estate Visit
  • In depth security survey of land, boundaries and buildings
  • Produce a comprehensive overview of the vulnerabilities and potential threats to the site and a ‘Security Recommendation Report’ where we identify the current risks and offer easily implemented control measures
  • A targeted security patrol strategy
  • Negotiation with insurers to reduce premiums if security recommendations are implemented

We want to minimise your downtime, inconvenience, upset, loss of revenue and costs and equally importantly try and stem the tidal wave of criminality.


Using covert equipment we have caught evidence of not only fly tippers but also large scale poaching of game including the shooting and butchering of deer. Due to huge cuts in policing budgets, our local police forces have little time and few personnel to tackle rural crime.

We have a personal interest in combating rural crime including equine, livestock, poaching of wild game, plant / trailer theft and we are all too aware of the lack of police resources deployed in this ever increasing area of criminality which is bringing misery to our rural communities.

We continually look to instigate joint ventures with the interested rural parties to try and combat these issues together

We utilise covert equipment giving us the best opportunity to gather the evidence required for a successful prosecution.We also have night vision enabled cameras that will help secure the evidence required to bring about a successful conviction of the offender. We regularly obtain the registration numbers of the vehicles involved which helps to speed up a conviction.


Construction site theft and vandalism is estimated to be costing the construction industry £800 million a year despite government initiatives such as the introduction of Plant Theft Action Group (PTAG) and The National Plant and Equipment Register. The use of Datatag, CESAR(construction equipment security and registration) and others .

So how can AJB Security help you fight construction site theft?

We’ve had some excellent results for victims of construction site theft in the Midlands, specifically in Stoke on Trent by deploying sting plant equipment fitted with GPS trackers. Once the item is stolen we are able to direct the police to the thieves where they are arrested and the equipment is recovered.

Alarms: A range of covert or overt alarms can be utilised to either scare the perpetrators away or to alert a covert strike team to detain them.

Lighting: This acts as a deterrent and when used in conjunction with CCTV can prove to be a relatively inexpensive method.

CCTV: We have a range of covert and overt camera equipment which will monitor your construction site 24 hours a day and allows you to identify who, how and when these offences are occurring.